Whatever the Weather
P&Co Winter Ride Out 2018

To celebrate an insane year & the release of our new winter arrivals, and to really put the garments to the test, we wanted to do something different. So we decided it was the right time to go out on our last big UK ride of the year to not only give something back to the team, but also to show our community what the British landscape has to offer.

On the morning of the trip, we all met up at the studio for 6:30AM; packed up the van, strapped in the bikes and headed off up north to Windemere in the Lake District. The sights on the way up there were something else, so we stopped en route to get some photos. We pulled the jeep onto the grass and captured some rad shots; but then as we started up the engine, to continue the journey, the car just wouldn’t move. We were stuck, sinking into a marsh.

For some, being stranded for hours on end waiting for a tow would really suck, and to begin with it did, but sitting there overlooking the mountains- realisation kicked in that this is what it is to be out on the road. And it’s fucking epic.

We got back to it & rode out to an empty beach with nothing* but sea & sand as far as the eye can see. Riding on the beach is probably the most fun any of us have had for years- Lee on a Triumph Bonneville T100, Adison on his Mutt Fat Sabbath & Jordan on his custom Honda CB500. Being from the city, we’re used to riding amongst the hustle and bustle so it was nice to get some sea air in our lungs, so we took to the sands at full throttle.
*Nothing for miles but an angry elderly lady and her 3 legged dog- who let us “politely” know she didn’t want us or the motorcycles invading her otherwise tranquil beach.
Being the ‘disruptive’ brand that we are, we brought with us a loudness wherever we went… which didn’t go down too well with the locals.
During the winter months here in the UK, it’s pretty much pitch black by about 5PM; especially out in the countryside. So, still buzzing from an already eventful but incredible day, we got back in the van and followed the SatNav back to the hotel- which lead us through one of the toughest rides in the UK.

Hard Knott Pass stands at 1289ft and has descends at an incline of 30%. That; with the narrow road, severe bends and the fact that the headlights of our van decided to cut out on the approach, made the incident on marsh laughable. The lack of light meant that we missed the warning signs, and took the the van loaded with 3 motorcycles and a load of gear along the single track on the mountains edge.
It’s safe to say we weren’t sure if we’d make it back. But we persevered and soon enough we were back on track, and arrived back at the hotel around 9pm.

The next morning it was straight up and out again. When you’re in a place like this you don’t wanna spend it indoors looking at 4 walls. This time we took to the valleys, to a place called Blea Tarn. If we thought the scenes we’d seen so far were unreal, then this place was definitely a highlight.

We took some time out and sat back on the hills, re-fuelled & poured a coffee- we really needed it after shifting a sprinter on the edge of hillside. We felt both lucky & grateful to be, not only, spending time with colleagues, but also spending time getting lost and exploring with good mates.

It was the slips and falls, the laughs and the thrills that really made the journey all the more worthwhile.

This trip really represented the year so far for us. There were plenty of ups and downs, but we stepped it up a gear and continued to push through- attacking things head on, whatever the weather.