Inspiration can come from anywhere; in this instance a jacket gifted to us by a close friend caught our imagination. Not only was it a badass jacket but it was also used as a prop on set of the Brad Pitt film, Fury. This fuelled an entire military themed collection with a huge array of inspirations. Referencing WW1 'Trench art found on Vietnamese Zippos, 'Nose Art' from WW2 aircraft and traditional flash-sheet tattoos, this collection was a really fun one to work on. Bringing our signature P&Co twist to iconic military art styles has been a really interesting project; we've brought a whole new dimension to the brand, and we can’t wait to show you!
'Never Settle' has been our mantra for this year, a constant reminder for us all to constantly push the boundaries. To move forward and strive for better. It seemed only right that this military inspired collection was named after that.
After 6 months in the making we’re really excited to show you all, hope you like it!