Malle Mile weekend of motorcycle celebration returned recently as the UK basked in a rare and glorious summer heat wave.

Set in the grounds of a manor house, the lawns became a playground for sports day style races featuring stunning vintage and custom machines.

It wasn't just about the bikes, it was also hanging out with mates, music, food and camping out.

The whole event is an exhibition - but one that moves and makes a hell load of noise. It's both a showcase for the awesome machines people have lovingly made and maintained, but also a masterclass in wild riding.

Throughout the weekend riders battled it out through rounds of The Sprint, Hill Climb and Malle100 races. There were also less competitive activities: teams smash a ball about in MotoPolo and the little ones have ago downhill in the MiniMile.

The motto is ‘Run What You Brung’ which means the weekend is open to everyone - some take that as wearing fancy-dress on a moped, others bring their pride and joy in the hope it doesn’t get totalled.

As the dust hangs in the air and the winners collect their prizes, the dirt is still ingrained in my white T-shirt three washes later. Maybe I'll just keep it to one side, ready for next year.

P&Co: Shoutout to Tim for covering for us, we’ll be sure to be there next year!
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