
Whilst scrolling through TikTok, we came across a guy called @tannderson, who was making it his goal to try out every hobby in the world. Obviously, we thought it was an insane idea and immediately headed straight to his account to follow his journey.
With a passport stamped in over 30 countries and a bucket list that is ever-growing, Tanner has set out to explore not just the world, but all of the hobbies it has to offer (Skimboarding, Archery and Splitboarding to name just a few). It is this mindset that lead us to reach out to him, if anyone embodies our 'It's Out There' campaign, it's Tanner. We jumped on a call & got him kitted out with some new pieces to test out on his next adventure; repelling down the red rocks of southern Utah.
Based in Utah (known for its vast desert landscapes, mountains & national parks), Tanner grew up rock climbing and snowboarding, but even these life-long passions weren't enough to fulfil his restless spirit. Being a self-confessed 'neophile' who loves trying new things, he took on the challenge to not only test himself, but he thought that other people may find it interesting to watch him be a beginner at just about anything and everything. The idea wasn't just about ticking boxes, but more about embracing the thrill of being new to something, of learning from scratch & sharing those raw, unfiltered experiences with the world. For Tanner, it's been about the fun of branching off into other iterations of his own personal hobbies- such as ice climbing & skiing, although he's being putting off the latter due to his irrational fear of doing the splits…
One year into the project and Tanner has already racked up an impressive array of experiences. But out of everything he's tried up to this point, skydiving stands out as a firm favourite. A childhood dream of his, he put more work into becoming competent at this particular hobby than most of the others; making the reward of mastering skydiving all the sweeter. But not every hobby has come easy. Despite how easy the pros make it look, the trampwall (an extreme form of trampolining involving pushing off walls and platforms, developing techniques used by free-runners) has been one of the more humbling yet rewarding challenges for Tanner.
Still, the struggle didn't dim his passion- it only fuelled it. As for hobbies he didn't enjoy, there hasn't been really been any yet. There are some like snowshoeing (a method of hiking across snow with the assistance of specialist shoes), that just didn't light that same fire in him.

Through collaborating with creators like Tanner, we wanted to show that 'being out there' is as much about what you're doing & who with as it is where. But, if the opportunity arises to visit new places, Tanner recommends Sardinia in Italy. When you've seen as much of the world as he has, it's hard to pick a favourite place. But Sardinia stands out amongst the rest. He visited with a couple of good friends two summers ago, and it was the perfect mix of adventure and natural beauty. It wasn't just about the stunning landscapes—it was the thrill of biking around the coast, exploring caves, and diving off cliffs into crystal-clear waters. Throw in some sunset surfing sessions and pizza for every meal, and you've got the recipe for an unforgettable trip.
So, what's next? While his past adventures had largely revolved around outdoor thrills & adrenaline seeking, it's often comes down to opportunity, cost & whether he would rather spend his time doing something else. Tanner is now pushing himself in a new direction: the arts. Recently, he took the stage for the first time as a stand-up comic— which proved to be one of his most nerve-wracking experiences yet. This artistic journey also led him to take up writing, sharing his reflections & stories. But, when it comes to travel, after walking the Camino de Santiago through Spain and Portugal, Tanner is taking a well-deserved rest for now. We'll definitely be keeping an eye out for next adventure.