Last Saturday marked the 2nd annual ‘Assembly London’ Chopper Show, and man did they bring it. Hosted by organiser Tamara Bell; in Collaboration with Dice Magazine and The Great Frog, the 2018 event saw a huge crowd, more bikes and a hella lot of leather.

We arrived in London on the Saturday afternoon, ready to check out some choppers, grab a few beers and buy some cool shit from the numerous retailers offering their goods from beneath the arches. It was our first time attending Assembly for ourselves, or even 'House of Vans'; the venue synonymous with underground subculture and home to the chopper show, so we weren’t too clued up on how to get there. Standing outside Waterloo station- with no phone signal, the only way of finding our way was to follow the tunnels & a tattooed couple wearing old-skool vans.

Once we were inside there was no mistaking where we were- the tunnels of Waterloo plastered with Assembly London flyers, custom choppers sitting amongst the skate ramps and the buzzing atmosphere we’d heard about.

The 50-ish bikes on display were more than impressive. Even if choppers aren’t your thing, you can still appreciate the craftsmanship and work that has gone into every build- bikes that have really grown with the owner. And that’s what it’s all about. Exhibitors rode in from as far as the US to showcase their motorcycles- pans, shovels & knuckleheads and some insane paint jobs.

We managed to grab 5 minutes with rider & silversmith Imogen Lehtonen- a member of The Great Frog’s founding family; who had flown in from LA to dedicate her week to the smooth running of the event. She was stoked at the sheer amount of chopper enthusiasts that had come along for the show, compared to the previous year.

From old school bikers in patched-up leather vests, to badass kids kitted out in their skate gear; the diversity of the attendees is definitely something to shout about, knowing that it is events such as these that are keeping the scene alive for the future generations. It is a once a year event that brings people together from all corners of the UK and overseas to talk bikes and to celebrate Moto culture through art, anecdote and having a damn good time.

We’re already counting down the days until Assembly 3.
More photos below